PHP QR Code 是一个PHP二维码生成类库,利用它可以轻松生成二维码,注:请确保你的PHP支持GD2
- 该类库原生不支持生成固定大小的二维码图片的(默认是根据二维码数据内容的长度而变化大小)
- 该类库不支持生成带有icon的二维码
* 二维码服务.
* @author
* @copyright ©2015, Sina App Engine.
* @version $Id$
class SaeQRcode {
private $errMsg = 'success';
private $errNum = 0;
public $data = '';
public $level = 'M';
public $width = 200;
public $height = 200;
public $margin = 0;
public $icon = '';
public $saveUrl = '';
private $code = '';
* 生成二维码图片
* @desc
* @access public
* @return void
* @exception none
public function build() {
static $qrcode = false;
if (!$qrcode) {
$qrcode = true;
if (trim($this->data) == '') {
$this->errNum = -1;
$this->errMsg = 'data cannot be empty!';
return false;
} elseif (!in_array($this->level, array('L','M','Q','H'))) {
$this->errNum = -2;
$this->errMsg = 'level optional values: L, M, Q, H';
return false;
} elseif (!is_numeric($this->width) || !is_numeric($this->height)) {
$this->errNum = -3;
$this->errMsg = 'width and height parameter error';
return false;
$this->code = $this->$saveUrl . md5((microtime(true)*10000).uniqid(time())) . '.png';
try {
defined('QRCODE_IMG_W') or define('QRCODE_IMG_W', $this->width);
defined('QRCODE_IMG_H') or define('QRCODE_IMG_H', $this->height);
QRcode::png($this->data, $this->code, $this->level, 3, $this->margin);
} catch(Exception $e) {
$this->errNum = -4;
$this->errMsg = $e->getMessage();
return false;
if (trim($this->icon) != '') {
return $this->iconCover() ? $this->code : false;
return $this->code;
* icon覆盖
* @desc
* @access public
* @return boolean
* @exception none
public function iconCover() {
if (!is_file($this->code) || $this->fileType($this->code) != 'png') {
$this->errNum = -10;
$this->errMsg = 'QRcode file does not exist or file type is not supported(Only allow PNG)';
return false;
if (filter_var($this->icon, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
if (!is_file($this->icon) || !in_array($this->fileType($this->icon), array('png','jpg','gif'))) {
$this->errNum = -11;
$this->errMsg = 'icon file does not exist or file type is not supported(Only allow PNG,JPG,GIF)';
return false;
$codeData = file_get_contents($this->code);
$iconData = file_get_contents($this->icon);
$code = imagecreatefromstring($codeData);
$icon = imagecreatefromstring($iconData);
list($code_w, $code_h) = array(imagesx($code), imagesy($code));
list($icon_w, $icon_h) = array(imagesx($icon), imagesy($icon));
$icon_code_w = $code_w / 5;
$scale = $icon_w / $icon_code_w;
$icon_code_h = $icon_h / $scale;
$dst_x = ($code_w - $icon_code_w) / 2;
$dst_y = ($code_h - $icon_code_h) / 2;
imagecopyresampled($code, $icon, $dst_x, $dst_y, 0, 0, $icon_code_w, $icon_code_h, $icon_w, $icon_h);
return imagepng($code, $this->code);
* 取二进制文件头快速准确判断文件类型
* @desc
* @access public
* @params $file 要判断的文件,支持相对和绝对路径
* @return void
* @exception none
public function fileType($file) {
$filepath = realpath($file);
$filetype = array(
7790=>'exe', 7784=>'midi',
8075=>'zip', 8297=>'rar',
7173=>'gif', 6677=>'bmp', 13780=>'png', 255216=>'jpg'
if (!($fp = @fopen($filepath, 'rb'))) return false;
$bin = fread($fp, 2);
$str_info = @unpack('C2chars', $bin);
$str_code = intval($str_info['chars1'].$str_info['chars2']);
return isset($filetype[$str_code]) ? $filetype[$str_code] : false;
* 获取错误信息
* @desc
* @access public
* @return string
* @exception none
public function errmsg() {
$ret = $this->errMsg;
$this->errMsg = 'Success';
return $ret;
* 获取错误码
* @desc
* @access public
* @return int
* @exception none
public function errno() {
$ret = $this->errNum;
$this->errNum = 0;
return $ret;
$vCard .= 'VERSION:4.0'.PHP_EOL;
$vCard .= 'FN:倒流'.PHP_EOL;
$vCard .= 'ORG:SINA Inc'.PHP_EOL;
$vCard .= 'TITLE:攻城师'.PHP_EOL;
$vCard .= 'TEL;WORK;VOICE:(010)62676155'.PHP_EOL;
$vCard .= 'TEL;HOME;VOICE:(010)88889999'.PHP_EOL;
$vCard .= 'TEL;TYPE=cell:18600005940'.PHP_EOL;
$vCard .= 'ADR;TYPE=work;LABEL="Office":理想国际大厦17层;北四环西路58号;海淀区;北京市;中国;100089'.PHP_EOL;
$vCard .= ''.PHP_EOL;
$vCard .= 'END:VCARD';
$types = array(
'vCard' => $vCard,
'url' => '',
'tel' => 'tel:18600005940',
'smsto' => 'smsto:18600005940:晚上继续嗨皮',
'mailto' => ''.urlencode('恭喜发财').'&body='.urlencode('红包拿来'),
'skype' => 'skype:'.urlencode('Skype用户名').'?call',
'chinese' => '中文二维码内容',
$qr = new QRcode();
$qr->data = $types['vCard'];
$qr->level = 'L';
$qr->width = 300;
$qr->height = 300;
$qr->margin = 1;
$qr->icon = __DIR__ . '/logo.png';
$qr->icon = 'logo.png';
$qr->saveUrl = SAE_TMP_PATH;
$file = $qr->build();
if (!$file) {
var_dump($qr->errno(), $qr->errmsg());
//header('Content-Type: image/png');
$name = 'test/'.pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
$domain = 'public';
$st = new SaeStorage();
$st->upload($domain, $name, $file);
$url = sprintf('', $_SERVER['HTTP_APPNAME'], $domain, $name);
echo '<img src="'.$url.'">';